Saturday, June 6, 2009

Movin' on Up

I now have a firm-ish move-in date. After house- and pet-sitting for my landlord next weekend, I'll move 50 yards up the road to my cottage on Monday week (6/15). It's been cleaned (the last tenant kept turkeys in the pantry~~), and we've decided against painting the interior (because I don't care in the least about such matters), so all that remains is that a missing window get replaced and a new (used) refrigerator get acquired, delivered, and installed. Here's some quick photos taken this afternoon, which was just another day in paradise:
The exterior is going to be repainted one fine day.

Here is the view out the north-facing window, which is more or less in the kitchen/dining area:

The back yard has some garden plots, a fence line of wild berries, then descends down a bluff to the Eel River.

Here's the source of heat, of which I hope to need little: The table and chairs stay, alongside numerous other pieces of furniture.

There's two bedrooms, and someday soon two beds. Plan a visit.

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