Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Prayer

Today I was out taking an unexpected hike through the forest (more on this another day), and got to thinking about trees. I was on a steeply descending stretch of trail, and mid-slope I encountered the large, knobby roots of a very large tree--probably a Sitka spruce--spread across the path. This was a welcome site, as it allowed me footholds to slow my momentum and recalibrate my pace. It occurred to me that Richard Nelson, certainly the best writer and probably the wisest person I've ever known, would stop to thank the tree for uncomplainingly providing this service. While I was lost in this, another of my increasingly frequent WWND (What Would Nels Do?) moments, these thoughts came to me.

Thank you, tree, for supporting my clumsy steps; and for supporting this trail, and the hillside which makes this trail possible. Thank you for providing shade, making it possible to enjoy your home on this hot day. Thank you for providing the air that I breathe, and for cleansing the water that I drink. Thank you for providing habitat for the birds whose song I am enjoying, and for the ferns that make this such a beautiful path. Thank you for sacrificing yourself so that I can have shelter and heat in the winter. Thank you for making our world a continual source of wonder and beauty. May we continue to learn ways to live together, respecting each other's needs and contributions to our shared habitat.

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